The Society consists of the following members:
- holders
- contributors
- honorary members
The holders are: Duke, alkars and alkars’ escort, alkars’ squires, members of the Governing Board and members of the Court of Honour.
A contributor may become anyone who materially contributes to strengthen the Society: by financial support, donations of old weapons, uniforms, harness, decorations and other items; by promotional contributions, professional and scientific articles about Alka, Sinj and the Cetina region; or by performing certain tasks during the year or at the time of Alka competitions.
An honorary member may become the citizen who has special merits for the people of Sinj and Cetina region or for the Society, while at the same time does not have to be from this area. This honour is awarded to him by the Assembly with at least ¾ votes of those present. Honorary member has no right to decide.