The alkars’ squires walk on foot in the Alka procession. They are, in essence, assistants to the alkars and their comrades in arms. They hold their spears for them, take care of their horses and help them in all other things. They are dressed in the folk costume of old and carry old-fashioned weapons.
The Duke, the Duke’s adjutant, the standard bearer, the standard bearer companion, as well as each alkar spearman, all have their own squire. Together with the chieftain and his assistant, they make up the troop of squires that leads the Alka procession.
Apart from them, the shield bearer, the two mace bearers and the two guides of the Edek horse are also considered squires.
In addition to meeting other conditions, the squires must also possess the dignified bearing and boldness that befits their duty.
Effort is made to select squires from different parts of the Cetina region, so that the entire region is evenly represented in the Alka.
The alka ring setter and his assistant are also a part of Alka, but they do not participate in the procession. The setter has a stick for calming and measuring the height of the alka. It is 322 cm long and thicker at the bottom just like the alkars' spears, with a marked handhold.
The squires march to the beat of the drums and the brass band music.
The duty of an alkar’s squire is to receive the spear and horse of his alkar after each race.
The Alka distinguishes itself with its unique fusion of sophisticated courtliness and folk customs.
The chieftain, wearing a lavish costume and with a long rifle (trombun) on his shoulder, marches at the head of the procession with unwavering focus.